I’ve played music all my life - violin as a child, then cello, and at 13 I discovered bands like Nirvana and Metallica, picked up a guitar, and was hooked. From that point on music has been my passion.
I began playing gigs from the age of 16, and around the same time began experiencing pain in my left arm when I played. As I pursued a career as a professional musician, I felt devastated by the discomfort I experienced, and by the need to take extended periods off from playing, often for six months at a time.
Over the years I saw many health professionals, who all gave useful advice, but I only experienced temporary relief, and overall the problem didn’t seem to be going away. Various people suggested I try the Alexander Technique. I recall being reluctant to try it out - it had a weird name, I didn’t know what it was, and it seemed outside my comfort zone. In my first lesson I was relieved to find that it was very logical, and my teacher showed me how to move more efficiently.
After the lesson I began to notice myself doing strange things as I sat, as I walked, as I played guitar. I was becoming increasingly aware of the things I’d been doing all along that had been contributing to my discomfort. As I learned to go about my daily activities in a new way, the challenges I experienced at the instrument began to dissolve into a coherent pattern - I could see a path forward! I enrolled in the teacher-training program at BodyMinded Alexander Technique in Sydney and have been teaching A.T. since 2016.
Parallel to my Alexander training, I also studied classical guitar with Phillip Houghton, who had an incredibly detailed approach to teaching technique and phrasing. The combination of my Alexander Technique skills and new guitar-specific skills enabled me to get back into performing again. I've been performing primarily with my jazz-metal band Fabulous Contraption, and Balkan Romani band Lolo Lovina.